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emLab - Llogaritjet nga 31.07.2007 në ora 12 h.

Informim per reshjet e pritura në territorin e tërësishëm të rrjedhës së Vardarit për 31.07 2007 si dita e 1-rë nga dita e periodës prognozuese. Në territorin e rrjedhës së tërësishme nuk priten të reshura më të mëdha se 3 l në 24 orë.


emLab - Llogaritjet nga 30.07.2007 në ora 15 h.

Informim per reshjet e pritura në territorin e tërësishëm të rrjedhës së Vardarit për 30.07 2007 si dita e 1-rë nga dita e periodës prognozuese. Në territorin e rrjedhës së tërësishme nuk priten të reshura më të mëdha se 3 l në 24 orë.


emLab - Llogaritjet nga 29.07.2007 në ora 16 h.

Informim per reshjet e pritura në territorin e tërësishëm të rrjedhës së Vardarit për 29.07 2007 si dita e 1-rë nga dita e periodës prognozuese. Në territorin e rrjedhës së tërësishme nuk priten të reshura më të mëdha se 3 l në 24 orë.

emLab - UV index, Region of Macedonia

UV index ao days stage.
For the perod from 07.23.2007 to 07.29.2007
In the borders of the State.
Maximum expected value was: *9.4
Minimum expected value was: *9.1


emLab - The world's most active volcanoes.

This moment most active volcanoes are:
Klyuchevskoy, Karymsky, Shishaldin, Mt. St. Helens, Colima, Etna, Stromboli, Popocatepetl, Soufriere Hills, Pacaya, Santa Maria, Guagua Pichincha, Mt. Mayon, Arenal, Merapi, Semeru
Nearest volcano is Etna, and it is located at 3417.86km. from Skopje.
Basic data are from SSEC


emLab - Last 7 days earthquakes.

In a last 7 days in the world.
(periodot of 2007.07.20 till 2007.07.26).
94 earthwuakes occured.
Strongest was: 6.9 degree
Location of the event is: 127.5 longitude and 2.8 latitude.
Data from USGS.


emLab - Ozon, Region of South Europe and parts of Mediteranee

Stage of expected stratospheric ozone.
For the period of 07.19.2007 to 07.25.2007
In the borders of this region (South Europe and bigest part of Mediteranee)
Maximum expected values (in Dobson units) was: 272.18*274.46*278.46*275.16*275.11*281.20*284.02
Minimum expected values (in Dobsono units) was: *271.84*273.59*276.60*273.54*273.17*278.40*281.00
Expected volume of ozune (experimental index) was: 0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0
Note: 1Dob. = 2.6867E+20 molekuls on metar sqware
Ozone holle is the place where the value is smaller then 250 Dob. (DU)
Data from USGS.


emLab - Prec. in Vardar River Basin (Mkd and Gr)

Stage of expected precipitated water
For the period of 07.19.2007 to 07.25.2007
In the borders of whole Vardar River Basin (Macedonia and Greece)
Maximum expected precipitations (l/24h) was: 0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00
Minimum expected precipitations (l/24h) was: *0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00
Expected volume of precipitated water (mil. m^3/24h) was: 0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0
In the period of this 7 days, is estimated sum of precipitated water: 0 milions metars cubic water.
Data from NCEP.


emLab - Precipitation, Region of Macedonia

The precipitated water stage.
For the perod from 07.18.2007 to 07.24.2007
In the borders of the State.
Maximum expected precipitations (l/24h) was: 0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00
Minimum expected precipitations (l/24h) was: *0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00
Expected volume of precipitated water (mil. meters cubic/24h) was: 0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0
In the period of this 7 days, amount of precipitated water is estimated is over: 0 mil. meters cubic/24h.
Data from NCEP.


emLab - Astronomical Skopje.

Some astronomical today values, for Skopjes.
Today 2007.07.23 g.
Sunrise at: 5:19, and sunset at: 20:03
Local transit at: 12:42
Moonrise at: 14:31, and no moonset today.
Moon phase: 57 % of the disc.
Data calculated on the server.


emLab - UV index, Region of Macedonia

UV index ao days stage.
For the perod from 07.16.2007 to 07.22.2007
In the borders of the State.
Maximum expected value was: *12.1*12.2*10.9*10.9*11.8*11.8
Minimum expected value was: *11.7*11.8*10.3*10.3*11.7*11.5


emLab - The world's most active volcanoes.

This moment most active volcanoes are:
Klyuchevskoy, Karymsky, Shishaldin, Mt. St. Helens, Colima, Etna, Stromboli, Popocatepetl, Soufriere Hills, Pacaya, Santa Maria, Guagua Pichincha, Mt. Mayon, Arenal, Merapi, Semeru
Nearest volcano is Etna, and it is located at 3417.86km. from Skopje.
Basic data are from SSEC


emLab - Last 7 days earthquakes.

In a last 7 days in the world.
(periodot of 2007.07.13 till 2007.07.19).
108 earthwuakes occured.
Strongest was: 6.8 degree
Location of the event is: 134.9 longitude and 36.8 latitude.
Data from USGS.


emLab - Ozon, Region of South Europe and parts of Mediteranee

Stage of expected stratospheric ozone.
For the period of 07.12.2007 to 07.18.2007
In the borders of this region (South Europe and bigest part of Mediteranee)
Maximum expected values (in Dobson units) was: 307.09*295.66*291.03*281.25*273.70*271.27*271.34
Minimum expected values (in Dobsono units) was: *301.97*292.03*288.39*278.43*271.74*270.09*271.04
Expected volume of ozune (experimental index) was: 78.6*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0
Note: 1Dob. = 2.6867E+20 molekuls on metar sqware
Ozone holle is the place where the value is smaller then 250 Dob. (DU)
Data from USGS.


emLab - Prec. in Vardar River Basin (Mkd and Gr)

Stage of expected precipitated water
For the period of 07.12.2007 to 07.18.2007
In the borders of whole Vardar River Basin (Macedonia and Greece)
Maximum expected precipitations (l/24h) was: 0.06*0.02*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00
Minimum expected precipitations (l/24h) was: *0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00
Expected volume of precipitated water (mil. m^3/24h) was: 0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0
In the period of this 7 days, is estimated sum of precipitated water: 0 milions metars cubic water.
Data from NCEP.


emLab - Precipitation, Region of Macedonia

The precipitated water stage.
For the perod from 07.11.2007 to 07.17.2007
In the borders of the State.
Maximum expected precipitations (l/24h) was: *0.05*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00
Minimum expected precipitations (l/24h) was: *0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00*0.00
Expected volume of precipitated water (mil. meters cubic/24h) was: *0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0*0.0
In the period of this 7 days, amount of precipitated water is estimated is over: 0 mil. meters cubic/24h.
Data from NCEP.


emLab - Astronomical Skopje.

Some astronomical today values, for Skopje.
Today 2007.07.16 g.
Sunrise at: 5:13, and sunset at: 20:09
Local transit at: 12:41
Moonrise at: 7:02, and moonset at: 21:36
Moon phase: 3 % of the disc.
Data calculated on the server.


emLab - UV index, Region of Macedonia

UV index ao days stage.
For the perod from 07.09.2007 to 07.15.2007
In the borders of the State.
Maximum expected value was: 10.7*10.8*9.4*10.6*11.7
Minimum expected value was: *10.3*10.1*9.2*10.3*11.3


emLab - The world's most active volcanoes.

This moment most active volcanoes are:
Klyuchevskoy, Karymsky, Shishaldin, Mt. St. Helens, Colima, Etna, Stromboli, Popocatepetl, Soufriere Hills, Pacaya, Santa Maria, Guagua Pichincha, Mt. Mayon, Arenal, Merapi, Semeru
Nearest volcano is Etna, and it is located at 3417.86km. from Skopje.
Basic data are from SSEC


emLab - Last 7 days earthquakes.

In a last 7 days in the world.
(periodot of 2007.07.06 till 2007.07.12).
70 earthwuakes occured.
Strongest was: 6.1 degree
Location of the event is: -93.5 longitude and 16.7 latitude.
Data from USGS.


emLab - Ozon, Region of South Europe and parts of Mediteranee

Stage of expected stratospheric ozone.
For the period of 07.05.2007 to 07.11.2007
In the borders of this region (South Europe and bigest part of Mediteranee)
Maximum expected values (in Dobson units) was: *288.17*272.35*301.17
Minimum expected values (in Dobsono units) was: *285.71*270.97*296.68
Expected volume of ozune (experimental index) was: *0.0*0.0*15.5
Note: 1Dob. = 2.6867E+20 molekuls on metar sqware
Ozone holle is the place where the value is smaller then 250 Dob. (DU)
Data from USGS.


emLab - Astronomical Skopje.

Some astronomical today values, for Skopje.
Today 2007.07.09 g.
Sunrise at: 5:08, and sunset at: 20:12
Local transit at: 12:40
Moonrise at: 0:25, and moonset at: 15:11
Moon phase: 35 % of the disc.
Data calculated on the server.


emLab - UV index, Region of Macedonia

UV index ao days stage.
For the perod from 07.02.2007 to 07.08.2007
In the borders of the State.
Maximum expected value was: *10.7
Minimum expected value was: *10.1


emLab - The world's most active volcanoes.

This moment most active volcanoes are:
Klyuchevskoy, Karymsky, Shishaldin, Mt. St. Helens, Colima, Etna, Stromboli, Popocatepetl, Soufriere Hills, Pacaya, Santa Maria, Guagua Pichincha, Mt. Mayon, Arenal, Merapi, Semeru
Nearest volcano is Etna, and it is located at 3417.86km. from Skopje.
Basic data are from SSEC


emLab - Last 7 days earthquakes.

In a last 7 days in the world.
(periodot of 2007.06.29 till 2007.07.05).
86 earthwuakes occured.
Strongest was: 6.3 degree
Location of the event is: -30.2 longitude and 0.7 latitude.
Data from USGS.


emLab - Ozon, Region of South Europe and parts of Mediteranee

Stage of expected stratospheric ozone.
For the period of 06.28.2007 to 07.04.2007
In the borders of this region (South Europe and bigest part of Mediteranee)
Maximum expected values (in Dobson units) was: 307.29*319.49*317.77*325.38*315.80*306.88*305.19
Minimum expected values (in Dobsono units) was: *301.87*313.54*314.01*323.46*312.81*304.58*302.11
Expected volume of ozune (experimental index) was: 78.5*82.2*82.0*84.6*81.5*78.9*78.2
Note: 1Dob. = 2.6867E+20 molekuls on metar sqware
Ozone holle is the place where the value is smaller then 250 Dob. (DU)
Data from USGS.


emLab - Prec. in Vardar River Basin (Mkd and Gr)

Stage of expected precipitated water
For the period of 06.28.2007 to 07.04.2007
In the borders of whole Vardar River Basin (Macedonia and Greece)
Maximum expected precipitations (l/24h) was: 0.00*0.00*8.95*0.00*0.00*2.01
Minimum expected precipitations (l/24h) was: *0.00*0.00*0.03*0.00*0.00*0.00
Expected volume of precipitated water (mil. m^3/24h) was: 0.0*0.0*0.5*0.0*0.0*0.0
In the period of this 7 days, is estimated sum of precipitated water: 0.5 milions metars cubic water.
Data from NCEP.


emLab - Precipitation, Region of Macedonia

The precipitated water stage.
For the perod from 06.27.2007 to 07.03.2007
In the borders of the State.
Maximum expected precipitations (l/24h) was: 0.00*0.00*0.00*5.28*0.00*0.00
Minimum expected precipitations (l/24h) was: *0.00*0.00*0.00*0.03*0.00*0.00
Expected volume of precipitated water (mil. meters cubic/24h) was: 0.0*0.0*0.0*0.4*0.0*0.0
In the period of this 7 days, amount of precipitated water is estimated is over: 0.4 mil. meters cubic/24h.
Data from NCEP.


emLab - Astronomical Skopje.

Some astronomical today values, for Skopje.
Today 2007.07.02 g.
Sunrise at: 5:03, and sunset at: 20:14
Local transit at: 12:39
Moonrise at: 21:58, and moonset at: 6:33
Moon phase: 98 % of the disc.
Data calculated on the server.


emLab - UV index, Region of Macedonia

UV index ao days stage.
For the perod from 06.25.2007 to 07.01.2007
In the borders of the State.
Maximum expected value was: 11.4*11.7*11.8*11.8*11.1*7.8*7.8
Minimum expected value was: *10.8*9.4*11.0*11.5*10.3*7.2*7.2